Updated Regency Spencer ePattern Tiles

A customer just alerted me to this error, which is 20 months old (my apologies!). The 2” measurement square on the tiled ePattern that acts as a test square is cut off on the left side, making the width incorrect. I’ve uploaded the corrected ePattern to the site (so all purchased on or after October 23 are fine), but if you purchased this ePattern between 1/31/23 and 10/22/24, you’ll need an update. Please drop me a line with your order number or the email address you used to place your order, and I’ll send the updated tiles.

I’m still shaking my head that I didn’t catch the cutoff when I did the test prints of the “new, improved” ePatterns last January and February, but there you are. To err is human…to forgive is to be a very kind and patient customer!


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