Gorgeous Kangas on eBay!
My wonderful helper in the States finally managed to sort through the latest batch of Kangas from Kenya and post them for sale on eBay! I really scoured the markets high and low to find the prettiest Kangas with the nicest “Jina” (sayings) on them, and I think you’re going to love what we’ve got! Included
Beautiful East African Kangas on eBay this month!
I sent two more batches of Kanga fabric to the States with friends this year (hurrah for donated checked luggage!). I’ve listed about a dozen on eBay this weekend and will continue to list more into next week until they’re all up. These make wonderful Christmas gifts! Kanga (CAHN-ga) cloths provide a lot of the
Thank you!
Thank you so much for all the Kanga, dress, and necklace orders! We've now finished for this month, but I hope to send a new batch of Kangas home in the summer.
Kangas sold out...
The second batch of Kangas in the ">Esty shop sold out, but the next batch will go up around the end of April, so be sure to bookmark us!