Ashley's Romantic Dresses

Ashley's Romantic Era Dress

Ashley's Romantic Era Dress

Ashley's Romantic Era Dress Back

Ashley's Romantic Era Dress Back

Ashley's Romantic Era Dress

Ashley's Romantic Era Dress

Romantic Era Dress

Romantic Era Dress

Romantic Era Dress Back

Romantic Era Dress Back

Romantic Era Dress

Romantic Era Dress

Last summer Gabrielle and I sewed ourselves some Wives & Daughters [Romantic Era] dresses. My sister, Gabrielle, made a dress that reminded us of Molly, while I sewed myself a dress that reminds you of Cynthia.

Aren't these lovely? The costumes from the A&E adaptation of "Wives and Daughters" are what inspired me to start researching and create my Romantic Era Dress pattern. It's a lot of fun to find inspiration in film costumes!


1910 Underpinnings from Catalog


1914 Afternoon Dress for Renewal of Vows