We have a winner!



Thank you to everyone who voted, commented, and shared the images over on Facebook Sunday and Monday. It was fun to watch the tally, as people took sides and gave their reasons for their favorite image. In the end, this photo was the clear winner with 126 likes and 43 comments. Even after weeding out double (and triple!) comments, this image was the clear champion and goes to press today as the Ladies' 1958 Party Dress pattern cover! Thank you all for the lovely (and lively!) comments and for sharing with friends.The envelope cover image was the last piece of the puzzle needed to get this pattern in stock. The printer should have these finished for us by the weekend or Monday at the latest, so everyone who pre-ordered the pattern will see them in the mail soon! Haven't ordered yet? Pop on over to the pattern's page! And stay tuned for the GIrls' 1958 Party Dress pattern, which will also be in stock this weekend with envelopes!


Girls' 1958 Party Dress Pattern


Ladies' 1958 Party Dress Pattern